Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Facing Differences Try 2 :)

Mostly I think of myself as a very outspoken person. Though at times that might not come across in class. I never really considered a time in which I would not be able to participate because of lack of language knowledge as was the case with the class activity. Not even when I was in middle school learning Spanish, I am of Puerto Rican descent but I don't readily speak Spanish. Back then I felt comfortable because I was exposed to the language and understood the basic sound principles as well as some phases. I felt very uncomfortable considering attempting Patwa because I did not want to come across as ignorant or insulting. I feel that this was a great activity for everyone as an eye opener to what people do experience everyday.

In class this week we discussed Jeremiah Wright's speech in which he discusses tolerance and similarities between different races or religious groups. I loved the phasing of "different does not mean deficient." But I was confused with his notions on the brain structures and generality of learning patterns between Blacks and Whites. I am sure there is research which supports his points but as always there is bound to be conflicting research on the subject. I just think it is dangerous to make broad statements about any race even if made with the best of intentions. Students do have different learning styles which we discussed in class in reference to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.

I have not tried to post a link to YouTube before so I hope this works. This is a 10 min combination of scenes from the Movie Freedon Writers based on a true story, the background of what was occuring before the students were in school, and actor commentary on the students they portrayed.

I believe this is a good video selection because it portrays what happens in Urban settings in what would be considered a "hypersegregated" school as discussed in the Anderson reading. The students come from different racial backgrounds but all stick to their own cultures. As represented in the Au reading for this week, students come into the classroom with preconceived ideas and prejudices which affect their interpersonal interactions. The teachers both in the clip and from the readings were able to, through various activities, reach the students so that they could have a better understanding of their fellow classmates. It can be difficult for a teacher to reach their students in a meaningful manner but we all have to try so that every student can learn.

1 comment:

  1. You are very right in articulating the conditions protrayed in this video as the "hypersegregation" that Anderson discusses in Chapter 8.

    I agree that broad statements about Races are very dangerous when not qualified in an appropriate manner. One cannot claim that Blacks tend to learn differently because of their Blackness and Blackness alone. Essentialism is a harsh way to introduce difference, because it feeds prejudices and assumptions.

    I need to watch this movie now.
